Lena Montecalvo – daughter of a CAP client

Most chemo days, Dad was driven by George (CAP volunteer driver) – an elderly man old enough to be Dad’s dad which I think he found difficult initially, but that changed as their friendship grew. “Vince!” George would announce. “You’re looking good today. Your chariot has arrived,” he’d grin, holding the door to take Dad to the cancer centre.

I’ll never forget George. Steel blue eyes that smiled even if the rest of his face wasn’t. A sense of humour that lightened the heaviness of what we were all dealing with. A commitment to our Dad and our family as a CAP volunteer that allowed us to relax a little, and put the focus on Dad’s wellbeing in other ways. Dad passed nine months later than the doctors said he would, and my sisters and I genuinely believe the support from George and others at CAP was instrumental in his ability to live so much longer.”
Lena Montecalvo – daughter of a CAP client