
About Us

Our Mission

Providing free services and supports to those affected by cancer.

Our Vision

A community where all people affected by cancer receive assistance when they really need it.

Our Values

  • Compassion – We see the pain and suffering caused by cancer, and are passionate about reducing the burden for those affected.
  • Respect – We believe in the inherent right of ALL people to be valued and accepted without judgement.
  • Trust – We are open, honest and transparent in all of our interactions with constituents.
  • Inclusion – We commit to ensuring that we engage and promote the voices of ALL those that are affected by cancer to continually improve our services and supports.
  • Community – We actively outreach and build our community because we believe in the transformative power of collaboration and connection. By nurturing strong relationships and partnerships we create a ripple effect of positive impact that helps to extend our reach of support for those affected by cancer.